We got a taste of summer this weekend! Lots of free time and had fun trying to fill it.
Kael had some visitors at work Friday night!

Meanwhile Kase had fun with cousins!

So nice to catch up with my sisters and their husbands and so happy my parents could watch the kids so we could all go out together.

Kylee was having fun at the lake with her friend even though it was a little chilly!

Saturday morning Kase was up early and ready to play ball. Then Kent and I took a nice walk to the Farmer's Market and had fun picking out some fun steaks for he and Kael to grill later.

Then a little bit later we took our first trip as boat club members out on Saylorville! The boys had fun!
I hope we use it a lot this summer! We also had lunch at the new restaurant by the marina which was really good and a fun summery spot!
Saturday night Kael had to work so we took Kase to the I Cubs game. It's so rare for both me and Kent to get to spend time together with Kase without extra friends along and we had the best time.
Kase got a foul ball and a t-shirt from the t-shirt gun so he was one happy guy!
We ended up sitting by a kid Kase new from school which was fun for him too.
As we walked to the car Kase said it was the best night of his life!
Then he promptly fell asleep. We had stayed for the whole game which is a late night for the Pattersons!
Sunday morning Kael worked the brunch shift so Kent and I both got to go to Kase's football tournament. I hadn't seen him play 7 on 7 before so it was all new to me. We played against some really big, physical kids (with mouthy coaches and parents) and I was so, SO proud of how our boys played. Kase took every single snap in all 5 games which is a lot of pressure but he did great!
I can't say enough about his coach. Kase has had some really great coaches over the years but I especially loved how Patrick connected with Kase and showed him some tough love while also building him up and letting him know he was the "general of the whole team" which Kase loved hearing.
2nd place in our second tournament ever, missing a couple key players and a cold, rainy day so we were all thrilled with that result!
The sun finally (kinda) came out for Kylee and her friend so they convinced the parents to take them tubing!
Kylee had a great time all weekend and I'm so glad she go to go along.
Sunday night we grilled steaks then Kael went to a sleepover with his buddies. The rest of us had an early night here watching a movie.
Monday we got a few things done around the house then Kase went to Miracle League with some friends. Kent took Kael to a movie and Kylee had volleyball practice.
We have one and a half more days of school then bring.on.SUMMER!!!