We got our hot tub up and running on Thursday night!! We made it a special night and ordered pizza beforehand and just made it a family night. It was seriously awesome. I think we will use it all the time!
Kase had fun styling Kent's hair (then later got a haircut of his own that he often spends quite a bit of time in front of the mirror styling).
Friday the kids didn't have school. Kent and I were up early and in the hot tub! He only worked part of the day so once the kids got their school work done he came home and we had a great day together. He and Kael bought a new "floater" tv so we can have an extra around to occasionally put outside or have in our bedroom/Kase's bedroom/downstairs second TV for when Kael's friends come over. (see comments below)
Kylee spent the afternoon with a friend baking at her house then coming back here to the hot tub for a bit. Kael went to the gym, and later we had Kase's buddies over to watch the Hawkeye game and the Ankeny Hawk game and also have dinner with us and sit in the hot tub and later make s'mookies (s'mores made out of the cookies one of the moms had sent along).
Seriously do these kids have it made or what?! Kent had so much fun getting all the techie stuff worked out.
Kylee and Kael joined the fun too!
When they were done in the hot tub and it was too cold to stay outside, they came in to watch the end of the game.
The next morning, my littlest buddy and I were home alone so we snuggled on the couch and read for awhile then he rode his bike while I walked and we got donuts for breakfast.
Meanwhile, Kent took the big kids to Sheffield to shoot guns with my dad and grandpa! Kael and Kylee had never shot a gun before so this was a fun new experience for them. Kent is so fun- it was all his idea. And I know my dad was so happy to go along too and I'm always happy anytime anyone gets to spend more time with Grandpa Dean too. What a crew. They all had a great time and no one got hurt! Later they drove around Clear Lake- Kael has his hopes set on renting or buying a lake home next summer so he keeps checking Zillow every day and while they were so close up in northern Iowa they decided to check out the town of Clear Lake a bit even though Kael wants to be in Okoboji.

That afternoon Kase had two basketball games. I can tell his heart isn't super into it this season but he has learned so much and they really have a pretty good team! He's just kind of a homebody right now and would rather be in our backyard playing football with friends. They lost one by one point then won the second game in OT so that was fun!

You guys, I wish I had gotten a picture but that night Kael had his buddies stay here. We have only had them over once since the pandemic started and Kael goes to their houses nearly every weekend so I totally felt like it was our turn. But it is a lot of kids! 9 were here counting my own 3 kiddos. And it is hilarious. Several of the friends bring their own gaming systems and/or TVs. I went downstairs at one point and there were 4 TVs, 3 xBoxes and 1 PS4 set up. Hilarious. They also played some backyard football and were super sweet to include Kase in the fun. Later that jumped on the trampoline and sat in the hot tub. Such a fun night for Kael. And man, can those boys eat. We had 4 large pizzas, a double order of breadsticks and also chicken wings plus snacks...I had put some of the pizza they didn't finish in the fridge and when I woke up this morning every last bit was gone. Lol. Teenage boys!
Kael is so good about helping whip the house back in shape after his friends leave. It's always a bit of a train wreck in the basement (Powerade bottles all over, tables moved for makeshift TV stands..) but he empties all the trash and carries up all the blankets that got used that need washed...usually I have him vacuum too but Kent took care of that today. In fact the whole family was super sweet about pitching in- even Kase and Kylee!
After his friends left Kael and I made an apple pie that he had gotten the recipe for and made in his foods class at school. It turned out pretty well!
My parents came over for lunch which was so nice. Great to catch up with them and have an actual real meal! Later we sat in the hot tub for a bit, then had fun looking at old photos and videos. Kase, of course, ran off to play with friends and after my parents left Kael actually fell asleep on the couch! That never happens! Sign of a good sleepover I guess? Later we put up the Christmas tree! I love how cozy the house feels when it's up. Everyone was a great help!
We wrapped up our weekend sitting in the hot tub reminiscing about family vacations. So fun hearing the kids' favorite memories. Plus we all agreed that sitting in the hot tub at night is our favorite time! Then we did a family "make your own nacho" night which turned out to be a hit. Played some board games then called it a night! Fun weekend!