What a week we had last week! Our trip to Colorado was wonderful. We fit in more things than I could have imagined and the kids were just so much fun! Here are a few pictures.
About to board the train to the top of Pike's Peak. |
They got some great shots! |
So, it was reeeeally windy up at the top of Pike's Peak. Can you tell? |
Garden of the Gods was on of everyone's favorite stops. |
Kael loved having his picture taken on this trip. |
These three. Love 'em. |
Royal Gorge! |
We had to take a picture by the Iowa flag! |
Fit for a king. Or, in this case, fit for our beloved "Bus Driver". |
The Manitou Springs Incline. That brown trail going up the side of the mountain? Yeah, we went up there. Not all the way, but we all hiked it and we all went farther than I thought. Kase and I stopped first, Kael made it over halfway, and Kent and Kylee went within 1000 feet from the top. The kids wanted so, so badly to make it all the way to the top, but the thin air and the steep incline was a little too much for us all. They all want to come back someday and try again! |
This was a cool zoo. |
Eeeeek! Above and below. I find it hard to believe that any kids of mine would touch a snake. |
We saw several deer around the cabin while we stayed there. We spotted this one walking by our porch when we were inside eating lunch. |
#Strong. |
Kent was so happy seeing the wrestling room in the Olympic Training Center! |
We saw Michael Phelps in the weight room while we were there. (Blue shirt, white shorts.) |
We hiked 7 Bridges Trail and this was the first of the bridges. |
We stopped by an Alpine Slide on our way from Manitou Springs to Estes Park. |
Up, up and away! |
They loved it! |
Bear Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park Kent spent a lot of time with this one on his shoulders. Like, a lot, a lot. |
Room with a view. |
Pool with a view. |
Rivewalk in Estes Park. |
We had some seriously good ice cream. |
Hiking to Cub Lake. This was the very beginning of the hike. Later, you could find both Kase and Kylee clamoring for a spot on Kent's shoulders. |
We made it to Cub Lake! |
We needed to refuel after hiking. This pancake was the BIGGEST pancake I have even seen. The picture doesn't do it justice. |
Hugs at 12,000 + feet. |
What a view! Until next time, Colorado! |
I'm so thankful for my parents who got our mail, watered our flowers and even mowed our lawn and vacuumed our truck for us! We borrowed their suburban which we were so thankful for. Also they stocked our fridge and got a bunch of food for us which was so appreciated. Mom even wrote sweet Welcome Home notes for the kids that they loved!
Also I so appreciate Kent's parents who came and heard all about our trip, looked at allll of our pictures and took us out for ice cream. They had given each of the kids some souvenir money before we left so they all had fun showing off their beloved purchases.
Vacation wore Kase out. He's gotten in the habit of falling asleep around 4:00 for a half hour power nap. |
Ice cream perks him up though! |
When we got home, we discovered that our green beans had grown quite a bit! Kylee had fun picking some for supper tonight.
The kids were such good car riders. We spent almost the entire day Saturday in the car and spent Sunday unpacking, doing laundry, catching up with family and friends. It was a great vacation!