We had a fun weekend playing in the snow! Friday after school, the kids and I spent nearly two hours outside. It was perfect snowman and fort-building weather.
Saturday morning was no different. Kent made this GIANT snowball that the kids loved.
Kylee had her last basketball game on Saturday. She's bummed the season is over- she really enjoyed playing this year. In fact, a teammate's mom found me after the game and asked me if we'd consider putting Kylee and her daughter together on a team next year, maybe something besides Parks and Rec. I know Kylee would love that!
Kent shot a look in my direction that said, "Hope you're enjoying watching the game, while I'm standing here coaching and watching the boys..." |
This is my favorite picture of the season.
Go Bluejays!
Kael also had a game, and I'm feeling bad that in this post I have so many pictures of Kase and Kylee and almost no pictures of Kael. However, this weekend he discovered how to work his wireless headphones with his iPad and spent a lot of time listening to music. He was a happy camper.
Saturday night we went bowling at Bass Pro with some neighbor friends. We were a party of 17 so I truly wasn't sure how that would shake out but I should have known it would work out perfectly! What a great night with a great group of people. After bowling we wandered around and let the kids see the fish, then climbed on a few boats, then ended up at Maid-Rite for dinner with the whole crew. I heart nights like these.
Sunday I taught Kylee's church group and all the parents joined us this week while we made sandwiches for HOPE ministries. It was a great morning of service. Spent the afternoon painting, then headed over to my parents' house to celebrate my dad's birthday. Even though a few weren't feeling the greatest, we were all there! Such a fun night.
Kase spent some of the time there playing Hide and Seek. Well, mostly he just hid. In the second photo he was hiding because he stole Kylee's fruit snacks then hid behind the chair to eat them before she even realized they were gone!
This morning 2/3 of the kids were up by 5:00. I am so ready for the time change. Anyhow, it's Kylee's half birthday (I hear this will even be announced over the loudspeaker) and it's Cuddle Up and Read Day for the first graders which means Kylee got to take books, a blanket, a pillow, a stuffed animal, a snack and drink to school and got to wear her pajamas. She.was.SO.happy.
I meant for this to be longer but Kase woke up from his nap at 12:10 after sleeping for a way too short 45 minutes. It's going to be a busy afternoon around here so I guess I'm done writing.
Have a good week!