I say it all the time, but you have NEVER met a mother/daughter duo that is so very much alike. I watch her life play out, like a movie, before my eyes and it's one I've seen before. Like a classic, remade. A slightly better, newer version.
The other day we were in a pretty serious debate over whether she would or would not wear leg warmers to tumbling. This is probably the first of many arguments about clothing that she and I will have. She was being soooo stubborn- absolutely refusing to wear them even though they were brand new, and she'd cut the tag off just seconds before this argument, swearing she loved them. But when she has her mind made up, there is absolutely no changing it.
These petty arguments drive me totally bonkers. But I love her so hard it hurts.
The boys were at wrestling the other night, and Kase was asleep so it was just Kylee and I hanging out. We were having the best time together and I felt kind of a pang in my heart, knowing that not too many years from now she'll be busy with friends and other things and we won't have many nights like we had that night. "Stay." I whispered to her. She kind of rolled her eyes and laughed because I say it to her all the time. She knows I loved her at age one, two, three, four, and now five, but time is just going way too fast. But she gets it. I don't even have to tell her, "You'll understand when you're a Mom." Because she already understands. After a big hug, she replied, "Mom, of course I'm going grow up so I can't stay like this forever. But I'll always be just like this, you know? Just me. I'll always be your Kylee. I'm not going to change who I am you know."
And oh how I hope those words are true. I hope she never changes. I love who she is. I love her stubbornness, her crazy emotions, her easy smile and her contagious energy. But what I love most about Kylee is that she doesn't let other people change her. She is who she is, she likes what she likes, and she says what she thinks.
Thankful Thursday
I'm thankful for Kael's first wrestling tournament this weekend. I know how crazy excited Kent and his family are for it and the excitement is contagious. I've never seen Kael wrestle and I admittedly know nothing about the sport, but Kael seems really into it so, here goes! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?
I'm thankful for Thanksgiving leftovers. I don't think I made a legitimate dinner once this week.
I'm thankful my kids love going to the dentist. Kylee was asking all morning, "Now how many minutes until we go??" They make my life so easy sometimes.
I'm thankful for what is most likely our last run of warm weather. I hear it's going to hit 60 on Sunday. Yippee!!!
I'm thankful for free Christmas printables I found on Pinterest.
I'm thankful for other people's creative Elf on the Shelf ideas. Looking forward to some shenanigans this weekend as our elf makes his appearance.
I'm thankful that I bought some caramel coffee creamer the other day. I drink my coffee black, but I wanted to have some on hand for when friends and sisters come over for coffee. Then I accidentally discovered how amazing the caramel creamer tastes in my homemade hot chocolate. Oh brother. Calories shouldn't be counted from Thanksgiving through New Years I think. As if I count calories anyways. :)
I'm thankful Uncle Kyle stopped by on his way home from Camp Dodge the other day in his full army gear. Kael and Kylee looked at him as though he was famous and peppered him with questions about it. Their awe reminded me how thankful I am for all of our service men and women. We have a lot to be thankful for in this great country of ours!
How about you? What, or who, are you thankful for today?
I'm thankful for Thanksgiving leftovers. I don't think I made a legitimate dinner once this week.
I'm thankful my kids love going to the dentist. Kylee was asking all morning, "Now how many minutes until we go??" They make my life so easy sometimes.
I'm thankful for what is most likely our last run of warm weather. I hear it's going to hit 60 on Sunday. Yippee!!!
I'm thankful for free Christmas printables I found on Pinterest.
I'm thankful for other people's creative Elf on the Shelf ideas. Looking forward to some shenanigans this weekend as our elf makes his appearance.
I'm thankful that I bought some caramel coffee creamer the other day. I drink my coffee black, but I wanted to have some on hand for when friends and sisters come over for coffee. Then I accidentally discovered how amazing the caramel creamer tastes in my homemade hot chocolate. Oh brother. Calories shouldn't be counted from Thanksgiving through New Years I think. As if I count calories anyways. :)
I'm thankful Uncle Kyle stopped by on his way home from Camp Dodge the other day in his full army gear. Kael and Kylee looked at him as though he was famous and peppered him with questions about it. Their awe reminded me how thankful I am for all of our service men and women. We have a lot to be thankful for in this great country of ours!
How about you? What, or who, are you thankful for today?
Kase is 7 months old!
Kase is growing up right before my very eyes. Every day he does something new and I'm so thankful that I'm around him all the time so I don't miss a single thing. I just want to freeze time- he's at such a snuggly, giggly age.
He says Dad and Mom sooo clearly. At first I thought it was a fluke, then I thought I was just hearing things because I wanted to hear him say Mama...but now there's no denying that soft, sweet voice that comes over the monitor when he wakes up. Like a question. Just to make sure I'm still around. "Mama?" To die for. The absolute best sound in the world.
He is very interested in crawling but just can't seem to get the going forward part down. He's pushing himself up really well and I think our immobile days are numbered.
He sleeps, um, well, terribly. Last night he was up maybe eight times. I have high hopes that once he's more active (crawling, walking) he'll tire himself out and get into a more sound sleep.
He LOVES food. Any. All. If you're eating something within a hundred yards of him, you'd better be prepared to share. The blueberry muffin I tried to eat this morning turned into a "share" situation before I could get one bite down. And he pretty much finished off the rest of it.
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Kase got sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving. And a teeeeensy bite of pumpkin pie. :) |
Thankful Thursday: Thanksgiving Edition
If you've been wondering that perhaps I'm off somewhere in a turkey coma, fear not, friends. Nor, have I forgotten about you and this blog.
Although it would be hard to top last year's Thanksgiving Edition of Thankful Thursday, we had a pretty great one this year that included lots of family time, a bit of Christmas cookie baking, some family pictures, a little Christmas shopping and decorating, and way, way too much food.
So, without further ado...
I'm thankful for good food. I mean, really, reallllly good. I love Thanksgiving food, but only on Thanksgiving day.
I'm really thankful for time to just hang out with family. Seems like we're always rushing around doing stuff, but I feel like this year we really got the chance to relax and it was amazing.
I'm thankful that I put down the camera (besides the big group shot) and spent more time just hanging out. Unfortunately for you that means more reading, less picture viewing. :)
I'm thankful that the Christmas tree and most of the Christmas decorations are up.
I'm thankful that Kent's feeling a little better- poor guy got sick Thanksgiving night. We even had to miss the Iowa game on Friday that we had tickets for! Not that it was a great game anyways...
I'm thankful that Christmas cards are ordered and a big chunk of Christmas shopping is done.
I'm thankful that we're back to the daily grind. I was kind of happy to wake up and have it be Monday morning. I adore long weekends and a break from routine, but something about today had me motivated to be super productive around the house. I saw the bottom of the laundry basket before 8:00 AM, made Christmas lists (and lists of my lists), edited some pictures, did some shopping, planned meals, scheduled appointments, hopped on the Cyber Monday bandwagon, gave my Kylee a manicure and....I could go on. But I'm tired. :)
Here's to a great week!
Although it would be hard to top last year's Thanksgiving Edition of Thankful Thursday, we had a pretty great one this year that included lots of family time, a bit of Christmas cookie baking, some family pictures, a little Christmas shopping and decorating, and way, way too much food.
So, without further ado...
I'm thankful for good food. I mean, really, reallllly good. I love Thanksgiving food, but only on Thanksgiving day.
I'm really thankful for time to just hang out with family. Seems like we're always rushing around doing stuff, but I feel like this year we really got the chance to relax and it was amazing.
I'm thankful that I put down the camera (besides the big group shot) and spent more time just hanging out. Unfortunately for you that means more reading, less picture viewing. :)
I'm thankful that the Christmas tree and most of the Christmas decorations are up.
I'm thankful that Kent's feeling a little better- poor guy got sick Thanksgiving night. We even had to miss the Iowa game on Friday that we had tickets for! Not that it was a great game anyways...
I'm thankful that Christmas cards are ordered and a big chunk of Christmas shopping is done.
I'm thankful that we're back to the daily grind. I was kind of happy to wake up and have it be Monday morning. I adore long weekends and a break from routine, but something about today had me motivated to be super productive around the house. I saw the bottom of the laundry basket before 8:00 AM, made Christmas lists (and lists of my lists), edited some pictures, did some shopping, planned meals, scheduled appointments, hopped on the Cyber Monday bandwagon, gave my Kylee a manicure and....I could go on. But I'm tired. :)
Here's to a great week!
This weekend ...
...I wasn't fast enough to stop Kase from grabbing an open container of baby carrots and dumping it all over himself. It was so darn cute.
...I Kent put up Christmas lights outside. Yippee!! Don't let that smile fool ya. He hated nearly every second of it.
...I sent this beautiful gal off to a birthday party.
...Kent (and Pinterest) salvaged my frame that I broke the glass out of last week.
...I attempted a photo shoot of {a very serious} Kase. He wasn't really excited about the mirror (this can't be Kent's kid then, right?! ;) but was happier back inside with his favorite hat.
...I took Kylee grocery shopping and this happened:
It was a fun, productive weekend. Hope your week is off to a swingin' start!
Sorry. I couldn't help myself. You laughed though, right??
...I sent this beautiful gal off to a birthday party.
...Kent (and Pinterest) salvaged my frame that I broke the glass out of last week.
...I attempted a photo shoot of {a very serious} Kase. He wasn't really excited about the mirror (this can't be Kent's kid then, right?! ;) but was happier back inside with his favorite hat.
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There is a matching hat to this outfit but someone's head is, ahem, a little too big for it. Forget what I said about this not being Kent's kid. ;) |
...I took Kylee grocery shopping and this happened:
...I watched the kids get along better than usual. I suspect they know Christmas is right around the corner. :)
It was a fun, productive weekend. Hope your week is off to a swingin' start!
Sorry. I couldn't help myself. You laughed though, right??
Thankful(ish) Thursday
Today, I'm thankful for the opportunity to be honest. So here goes.
I hate that I let my mom take Kase overnight two nights ago and he woke up only twice for a bottle and went right back to sleep, but last night, back at his own home sweet home, he woke up seven times.
I hate that I've all but given up on running and exercising because I'm just.too.tired. (See above reference to sleeplessness).
I hate my clothes and hate that I am toocheap sensible to buy myself new stuff right before Christmas.
I hate the post-baby shedding of hair. Yuck.
I hate how I spend fifty percent of my life planning meals and grocery shopping, only to have two little faces make pretend barfing noises at dinnertime.
I hate how I pored over pictures yesterday trying to find the perfect ones to fit in a frame that I have and when I had it all ready to hang up, I decided to clean the glass (we're talking about a pretty large picture frame) and it shattered. What a complete waste of time.
But what I hate most of all is how my cloudy mood affects the rest of my family.
Thanks forlistening reading. Back next Thursday with a better mood. I promise.
I hate that I let my mom take Kase overnight two nights ago and he woke up only twice for a bottle and went right back to sleep, but last night, back at his own home sweet home, he woke up seven times.
I hate that I've all but given up on running and exercising because I'm just.too.tired. (See above reference to sleeplessness).
I hate my clothes and hate that I am too
I hate the post-baby shedding of hair. Yuck.
I hate how I spend fifty percent of my life planning meals and grocery shopping, only to have two little faces make pretend barfing noises at dinnertime.
I hate how I pored over pictures yesterday trying to find the perfect ones to fit in a frame that I have and when I had it all ready to hang up, I decided to clean the glass (we're talking about a pretty large picture frame) and it shattered. What a complete waste of time.
But what I hate most of all is how my cloudy mood affects the rest of my family.
Thanks for
Weekend Wrap- Up
Weekends are coming and going waaay too quickly lately, no?
Kase wasn't feeling the best this weekend and Sunday afternoon his low grade temp got just high enough to make him super miserable. It also made it so that I couldn't get much accomplished, but there's something so snuggly about sick babies that makes my lack of motivation to do anything else but snuggle completely excusable. So here's what we did do.
I got to hang out with my sister Mandy and my favorite niece and nephew. Twice. In one day. How great is that??
Kent took Kael to his first Hawkeye game at Kinnick. They had a great time! He photo journal-ed their day on Instagram...I couldn't be prouder. :) Kael smiled this big in every single picture and while I know he was happy to watch the Hawks, what he's really smiling about is getting to spend the whole day with his dad.
Kylee got the highly coveted treat basket at school on Friday and when I asked her what she wanted to bring she had her response ready: "heart-shaped brownies with frosting and colorful sprinkles".
Done and done. Baking with my best gal was the perfect way to spend a rainy weekend morning. Plus, when you cut a pan of brownies using heart-shaped cookie cutters there are tons of 'scraps' that need to be snacked on. What a deal. :)
Done and done. Baking with my best gal was the perfect way to spend a rainy weekend morning. Plus, when you cut a pan of brownies using heart-shaped cookie cutters there are tons of 'scraps' that need to be snacked on. What a deal. :)
I ordered my first Christmas present of the season which isn't saying much, but I divvied up lists for the grandmas which does require a bit of strategery. Also we finalized plans for five of our seven (count 'em!) family Christmases which is cause for celebration in itself.
We turned our basement into a regular Skate North(west). I have the best memories of roller skating with my sisters in our unfinished basement. Kael and Kylee thought it was just as awesome as I used to.
Got the cutest hat from Kent's mom for Kase. Seriously you guys. I walked to the mailbox at least twice today just in case some of the neighbors didn't see how cute he was the first time I went to check the mail.
I dug into some spray paint and went crazy painting some old frames to better suit this house. Now I just have to get some new pictures in them. Poor Kase is highly under represented in family photos since we went nearly a full five years as a family of four. I swear if someone would help me I would put a new picture up on this blog. But blogger keeps telling me I don't have enough space or something...???
And here it is Monday already! How was your weekend?
And here it is Monday already! How was your weekend?
Zero and a half
Can you believe Kase is six months old (or 'zero and a half', as Kylee says) already? I can't either.
I love this little guy so very much. Here's to hoping the next six months slow down a bit so I can enjoy every last second of his babyhood. :)
At six months Kase...
...weighs 18 lbs 3 oz (65%) and is 27 and 1/4 inches long (80%). so so happy! He feels so much better than he did from 0-4 months and it shows! He smiles and laughs all the time. It's awesome!
...sits very well on his own. very interested in playing and wants to grab everything within his reach. getting the cah-utest rolls on his wrists.
...has no teeth .
...eats anything 'solid' that I will let him. Yesterday he had part of an avocado and also gummed a frozen mini bagel. He was in heaven.
...jabbers like crazy! He has the sweetest voice. He says da-da all the time when he sees Kent. It could just be a coincidence, but I'm pretty sure it's intentional.
...jabbers like crazy! He has the sweetest voice. He says da-da all the time when he sees Kent. It could just be a coincidence, but I'm pretty sure it's intentional.
...still rocks a pretty awesome cowlick.
...wakes up a couple times at night but takes several long naps a day and even falls asleep on his own (which was unheard of in previous months).
I love this little guy so very much. Here's to hoping the next six months slow down a bit so I can enjoy every last second of his babyhood. :)
Thankful Thursday
I'm thankful for a low-key weekend ahead.
I'm thankful for a visit from my cousin and her two boys this week. The kids had a great time together and we had fun catching up.,
I'm thankful that my brother-in-law Kyle has graduated from Basic Training and we'll get to see him this weekend! Can't wait!!!
I'm thankful Kase's round little cheeks. They're so squeezable.
I'm thankful that a playdate Kael had this week went well.
I'm thankful for our fireplace. Nothing better than cozy-ing up next to it with a big stack of books and my three favorite kids.
I'm thankful for Kent. Just 'cause. He's the best.
Short and sweet today...lots to do! Well, not a lot of things that I have to do, but things I'd like to do. Namely, start Christmas shopping! Who's excited?!
I'm thankful for a visit from my cousin and her two boys this week. The kids had a great time together and we had fun catching up.,
I'm thankful that my brother-in-law Kyle has graduated from Basic Training and we'll get to see him this weekend! Can't wait!!!
I'm thankful Kase's round little cheeks. They're so squeezable.
I'm thankful that a playdate Kael had this week went well.
I'm thankful for our fireplace. Nothing better than cozy-ing up next to it with a big stack of books and my three favorite kids.
I'm thankful for Kent. Just 'cause. He's the best.
Short and sweet today...lots to do! Well, not a lot of things that I have to do, but things I'd like to do. Namely, start Christmas shopping! Who's excited?!
You guys, I did not have high expectations for this trip. A long car trip for a short weekend and Kase's sleeping habits had me a little unsure of how it would go.
Kent had a bunch of hotel points from when he used to travel more for work, so a month or two ago he, very spontaneously, used those points to book a room at a hotel right in the middle of downtown Chicago.
Turns out, it was awesome. Wanna see?
How was your weekend?
Kent had a bunch of hotel points from when he used to travel more for work, so a month or two ago he, very spontaneously, used those points to book a room at a hotel right in the middle of downtown Chicago.
Turns out, it was awesome. Wanna see?
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