I'm thankful for such an awesome pediatrician.
I'm thankful for the mountain of clothes my mother-in-law brought for Kase!
I'm thankful for a night out with the girls on Monday. Two of my best friends have kids close to Kase's age and it is totally therapeutic to get together and talk about things like...diapers. Ha! Do you agree, ladies? ;)
I'm thankful for chilly mornings- after we walk Kael to school, Kylee and I often enjoy coffee/hot chocolate together when we get home.
I'd like to say I'm thankful that Kase is doing so much better and is perfectly happy, healthy, and sleeping through the night. Sleeping through the night, he is not. But he does seem to be doing a bit better. We've started reflux meds again (we did them when he was like a month old but they didn't seem to help then- but at this point anything is worth a shot).
I'm thankful for the song Lead Me by Sanctus Real.
This guy is really thankful he's old enough for cereal! It was so cute, and as far as first feedings go, I'd say it was highly successful. He did awesome and he loved it.
I'm thankful for my mom's help all day Wednesday.It's unreal how much I can get done during the day with an extra set of hands around here. I also went to Target for like a full hour all.by.myself.
I'm thankful Kent's parents are coming down tonight to hang with the kids so that Kent and I can enjoy Happy Hour with some neighbors. To say we're excited for an adult night out might be a bit of an understatement.
Kent's thankful for his iPhone 5 (courtesy of his work).
Kylee is thankful that she is the one who cracked the pinata open the other night at a birthday party. Highlight of her night, no doubt.
I'm thankful Kael looked so darn handsome for picture day.
I'm so thankful for this beautiful weather and doubly thankful my kids love being outside as much as I do. With that, I'm off to enjoy it! How thankful are you that it's Thursday?
Weekend Wrap- Up
Forget about necessary things like showering and grocery shopping. In the small windows of free time we have between practices, games and parenting duties, we have been trying our best to make the most of these last few perfect-weather-weekends.
You can't beat 99 cent blizzards. Am I right? Kylee agrees. Bonus points for eating them in the baby stroller. |
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This business of tending to Kase has left me zero time for running. Squeezed in a quick couple miles with mi hermana when she was in town last weekend. |
My grandma moved to Ankeny this weekend! The kids LOVE visiting at her new place in Mill Pond. I absolutely adore this picture of my grandma and Kylee- don't they both just look so happy? |
We visited grandma three (!!!) times this weekend. The kids enjoyed feeding the ducks in the pond. |
These three. Love 'em to death. And is there anything better than a baby in funny, oversized dog slippers?? |
Long overdue
I can't believe it's almost been a week already since we started all these tests for Kase. I know lots of you are anxious for more details so here's what's going on.
First off, we did hear back about all the blood work and everything came back mostly normal. That is, to say, there weren't any huge red flags but there were a couple numbers that didn't fall within normal parameters. Namely, the lactic acid was high, a few numbers were off due to a viral thing he has going on, and his potassium was high. So, really no answers there. But enough that my doc wants to talk with a colleague in Iowa City about some things that are going on with Kaser, so we're hoping to hear back from her about that soon.
I also ran in a dirty diaper to the doctor over the weekend because they wanted to test for blood there. Luckily, no blood was found. They did, however, find protein in the sample.
What does all this mean? So far, nothing. Which is wonderful and frustrating all at the same time. We are so thankful all these tests keep coming back OK, but frustrated because we don't have a lot of answers for why our babe is so miserable. In the meantime we've switched to a hypoallergenic (read: smells like a wet dog) formula for protein sensitivity that we're hoping will help him feel better. We've been on it for a few days though, and really no change. :(
Actually, his sleeping has gone from bad to worse. In the last 36 or so hours, he seems totally unable to sleep a wink unless he's sleeping on someone. He took a good nap on Grandma Cindy yesterday, then last night Kent and I took turns sleeping in the rocking chair with him. I was home alone with him today while my big kids were at school so I let him nap on me a couple times.
Notice that we are still Hawk fans despite an embarrassing loss this weekend. :) |
By nap #2 I had managed to squeeze in a quick shower but had no time for make-up or a hair brush, evidently. Puffy, red cheeks for him; zombie-like dark circles for her. |
Thanks again to all those who have called, worried, prayed and my apologies for those who I have not called back, texted back or e-mailed back. It's been a busy, heavy week around here.
Thankful Wednesday and a Kase update
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts, prayers, comments, e-mails and texts about Kase. Seriously, what an awesome network of friends and family we have.
Here's what we know so far. The radiologist looked at Kase's sonogram and agreed that there was some cause for concern, however, he was able to rule out completely the possibility of hydrocephalus and any sort of mass (tumor). So that was great news!! There is no fluid inside the brain but there is a little fluid outside the brain, which evidently can be completely normal at this age. But something worth keeping an eye on. Kase also has a couple very notable ridges from where the bones of his skull haven't completely come together yet- again, normal, but worth following. There is a chance we would need to do an MRI in the future, but for now, all good.
So, we are still waiting for the results from his blood panel. In my heart of hearts, I just have a feeling that everything is totally fine. Really, I do. But it is so worth getting everything checked out. In the meantime, enjoy a couple pictures of a devastatingly handsome (almost) five month old.
Here's what we know so far. The radiologist looked at Kase's sonogram and agreed that there was some cause for concern, however, he was able to rule out completely the possibility of hydrocephalus and any sort of mass (tumor). So that was great news!! There is no fluid inside the brain but there is a little fluid outside the brain, which evidently can be completely normal at this age. But something worth keeping an eye on. Kase also has a couple very notable ridges from where the bones of his skull haven't completely come together yet- again, normal, but worth following. There is a chance we would need to do an MRI in the future, but for now, all good.
A bottle kept Kase nice and still during the sonogram. |
Happy baby! |
Ready to get his blood drawn. |
Home, sweet, home. |
So, we are still waiting for the results from his blood panel. In my heart of hearts, I just have a feeling that everything is totally fine. Really, I do. But it is so worth getting everything checked out. In the meantime, enjoy a couple pictures of a devastatingly handsome (almost) five month old.
On Kase
There aren't many words in our language that grab your attention quite like "neurosurgery".
I was supposed to take Kase to the doctor next Monday for a recheck but lately he's just been having a tough time. Ear infection maybe? Worth a shot. I got an appointment this afternoon and it turns out, Kase's ears are fine. Perfect, actually.
What isn't fine, is his fussiness. Or his distinct coloring. Or his head shape and size. Or his quirky, potentially PDD-NOS (Kael's diagnosis) traits. My doctor is seriously amazing you guys. So thorough. We decided that it's time to do something about Kase being so unsettled all the time so she scheduled some blood work. Oh, and a CT scan. And a potential date with a developmental specialist (even though an autism diagnosis at four months is an incredibly difficult one). She talked me through everything that was going to be checked out (lactic acid stuff, milk protein allergy, liver problems, etc) and the biggest concern is that there could be some fluid on his brain. Hydrocephalus, maybe. She did warn me that we might be putting the cart before the horse, but it was worth mentioning that if we do find out there is some fluid there, he would need to see the neurosurgeon in Iowa City.
Cue the tears.
On one hand, I am THRILLED we might be able to do something, anything to make him happier. On the other hand I am scared to death that we might find something that would require meeting with a neurosurgeon.
So, if you're the praying type, and even maybe if you're not, say a prayer for my little Kaser. We head downtown tomorrow and hopefully return with some answers.
I was supposed to take Kase to the doctor next Monday for a recheck but lately he's just been having a tough time. Ear infection maybe? Worth a shot. I got an appointment this afternoon and it turns out, Kase's ears are fine. Perfect, actually.
What isn't fine, is his fussiness. Or his distinct coloring. Or his head shape and size. Or his quirky, potentially PDD-NOS (Kael's diagnosis) traits. My doctor is seriously amazing you guys. So thorough. We decided that it's time to do something about Kase being so unsettled all the time so she scheduled some blood work. Oh, and a CT scan. And a potential date with a developmental specialist (even though an autism diagnosis at four months is an incredibly difficult one). She talked me through everything that was going to be checked out (lactic acid stuff, milk protein allergy, liver problems, etc) and the biggest concern is that there could be some fluid on his brain. Hydrocephalus, maybe. She did warn me that we might be putting the cart before the horse, but it was worth mentioning that if we do find out there is some fluid there, he would need to see the neurosurgeon in Iowa City.
Cue the tears.
On one hand, I am THRILLED we might be able to do something, anything to make him happier. On the other hand I am scared to death that we might find something that would require meeting with a neurosurgeon.
So, if you're the praying type, and even maybe if you're not, say a prayer for my little Kaser. We head downtown tomorrow and hopefully return with some answers.
My favorite people
What a joyful weekend we had around here. I'm in a crazy good mood so here's a few little blurbs about those I love the most.
Kent: I don't know how in the world God knew that Kent and my (occasionally volatile) personalities would complement each other instead of the opposite. I am hardest on Kent because he can handle it. He's always the one who lets me be a total pill without letting it get to him. When I'm down, he let's me vent and then picks me right back up. He's a good one.
So Kent has a whole bunch of Best Buy reward points saved up from the far-too-many-to-name things we've bought there over the last several months. He talked about buying a fridge for our garage which is slowly looking like a "must buy" instead of a "would like to have" item. We never got around to making it to Best Buy on Saturday then on Sunday we split up (I stayed home with Kase while Kent went with the big kids to see baby Tyson.) and Kent texts me (from his personal phone), "Hey I forgot my work cell phone- I think I left it in my computer bag in my car. Can you bring it when you come?" So I head to his car and find his computer bag and as I attempt to open it I am thisclose to texting Kent and letting him know what I think of his bag that is so jammed full of junk and so disorganized that I can barely get into it when there, right in the middle of his bag, was the extra zoom lens for our camera (to capture the far away sports shots, specifically) I have been d-y-i-n-g for. He had spent his Best Buy money on me. Something I really wanted. Bonus points for tricking me into discovering it, too- Kent always makes things fun. He's a keeper, this one.
Kael: Seriously you guys, it was Kael's weekend. He comes out of school with a HUGE smile on his face on Friday and holds up a big yellow paper, "Mom, I'm the Main Event!!!" He got recognized for his hard work in math and got his name called over the loudspeaker and no doubt, class cheers ensued. Awesome. Saturday he totally ROCKED his soccer game. His coach chose Kael to start as goalie (the most coveted position in 7 year old soccer) AND later in the game Kael scored a runaway goal. Sunday, well, you guessed it- Kael scored at his football game! It was the point after, which, at age 7 is equally exciting as scoring a touchdown. Kael dove right into the end zone and came up with a smile on his face and grass stains on his shirt. Perfect. I'm so proud of the young man he's becoming.
Kylee: There are almost no words for me to say for what I'd like to convey about Kylee. Strangers stop me while we're shopping, "Is that your daughter? She is gorgeous. Her face looks like one of those American girl dolls. " Beautiful, she is. But it's not the most notable of her qualities. We were at a party once and Kylee was chatting with an older gentleman there who happened to be the great-uncle of one of her friends. I could tell he was completely charmed by her, but I could also tell that Kylee was in no way attempting to charm him. She was just being Kylee. The mom tells me that every time the uncle calls, he still asks, "And how is that Kylee Kay doing? That girl is unforgettable." Kylee is a middle child to.the.core. She is SUCH a giver. She's always willing to help entertain Kase or run and get his blanket or anything he might need. And she's just good company. I'd take that girl by my side any day of the week.
Kase: At present time, Kase demands more of my attention than all the rest of my clan combined. He needs me and I need him. A friend, who has a newborn, was recently commenting to me that she kind of wished to fast forward time a little bit until her little one was sleeping better, able to sit up, able to communicate. I didn't realize how sensitive I was about this as I kind of started choking up, "Don't wish it away," I advised. "Seriously it will be gone before you know it and you'll wish for it back." I all too easily recall what it felt like when we lost the baby a couple years ago and how I thought maybe we'd never have another. And I remember occasionally wishing (about Kylee) some of the same things my friend wished for. I remember thinking how much easier things would be once she slept through the night. Once she learned to walk. Then it became a real possibility that we might not ever have another and I would have given anything to have those baby times back. Now, Kase is here and I am just soaking up every last second of him being a baby. His handsomeness is almost a problem, really. "Those cheeks! I just want to get them!" complete strangers say to us when we're playing at the park. The way he snuggles into my neck- I swear he's wrapping his arms around me for a hug. And is it too early for him to be able to say "Mom"? I'm certain I heard it the other day. Ahhh. I love it. All of it. I just want him to stay.
We had a fun time hanging out with some more of my favorite people this weekend and here are a couple quick pics of the crew.
Hope you all had a lovely weekend with your favorite people!!!
Kent: I don't know how in the world God knew that Kent and my (occasionally volatile) personalities would complement each other instead of the opposite. I am hardest on Kent because he can handle it. He's always the one who lets me be a total pill without letting it get to him. When I'm down, he let's me vent and then picks me right back up. He's a good one.
So Kent has a whole bunch of Best Buy reward points saved up from the far-too-many-to-name things we've bought there over the last several months. He talked about buying a fridge for our garage which is slowly looking like a "must buy" instead of a "would like to have" item. We never got around to making it to Best Buy on Saturday then on Sunday we split up (I stayed home with Kase while Kent went with the big kids to see baby Tyson.) and Kent texts me (from his personal phone), "Hey I forgot my work cell phone- I think I left it in my computer bag in my car. Can you bring it when you come?" So I head to his car and find his computer bag and as I attempt to open it I am thisclose to texting Kent and letting him know what I think of his bag that is so jammed full of junk and so disorganized that I can barely get into it when there, right in the middle of his bag, was the extra zoom lens for our camera (to capture the far away sports shots, specifically) I have been d-y-i-n-g for. He had spent his Best Buy money on me. Something I really wanted. Bonus points for tricking me into discovering it, too- Kent always makes things fun. He's a keeper, this one.
Kael: Seriously you guys, it was Kael's weekend. He comes out of school with a HUGE smile on his face on Friday and holds up a big yellow paper, "Mom, I'm the Main Event!!!" He got recognized for his hard work in math and got his name called over the loudspeaker and no doubt, class cheers ensued. Awesome. Saturday he totally ROCKED his soccer game. His coach chose Kael to start as goalie (the most coveted position in 7 year old soccer) AND later in the game Kael scored a runaway goal. Sunday, well, you guessed it- Kael scored at his football game! It was the point after, which, at age 7 is equally exciting as scoring a touchdown. Kael dove right into the end zone and came up with a smile on his face and grass stains on his shirt. Perfect. I'm so proud of the young man he's becoming.
Kylee: There are almost no words for me to say for what I'd like to convey about Kylee. Strangers stop me while we're shopping, "Is that your daughter? She is gorgeous. Her face looks like one of those American girl dolls. " Beautiful, she is. But it's not the most notable of her qualities. We were at a party once and Kylee was chatting with an older gentleman there who happened to be the great-uncle of one of her friends. I could tell he was completely charmed by her, but I could also tell that Kylee was in no way attempting to charm him. She was just being Kylee. The mom tells me that every time the uncle calls, he still asks, "And how is that Kylee Kay doing? That girl is unforgettable." Kylee is a middle child to.the.core. She is SUCH a giver. She's always willing to help entertain Kase or run and get his blanket or anything he might need. And she's just good company. I'd take that girl by my side any day of the week.
Kase: At present time, Kase demands more of my attention than all the rest of my clan combined. He needs me and I need him. A friend, who has a newborn, was recently commenting to me that she kind of wished to fast forward time a little bit until her little one was sleeping better, able to sit up, able to communicate. I didn't realize how sensitive I was about this as I kind of started choking up, "Don't wish it away," I advised. "Seriously it will be gone before you know it and you'll wish for it back." I all too easily recall what it felt like when we lost the baby a couple years ago and how I thought maybe we'd never have another. And I remember occasionally wishing (about Kylee) some of the same things my friend wished for. I remember thinking how much easier things would be once she slept through the night. Once she learned to walk. Then it became a real possibility that we might not ever have another and I would have given anything to have those baby times back. Now, Kase is here and I am just soaking up every last second of him being a baby. His handsomeness is almost a problem, really. "Those cheeks! I just want to get them!" complete strangers say to us when we're playing at the park. The way he snuggles into my neck- I swear he's wrapping his arms around me for a hug. And is it too early for him to be able to say "Mom"? I'm certain I heard it the other day. Ahhh. I love it. All of it. I just want him to stay.
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Kase has learned at an early age the art of photo bombing. |
We had a fun time hanging out with some more of my favorite people this weekend and here are a couple quick pics of the crew.
Hope you all had a lovely weekend with your favorite people!!!
Birthday Twin
Everyone needs a birthday twin, right?
Kylee's birthday twin is Grandma Doe. Kase's birthday twin is one of my besties. I actually have a couple birthday twins: my great aunt Maxine, and one of my friend's daughter. If you ask Kael who his birthday twin is, he'll tell you it's Thomas Jefferson. :)
Kent, however, needed a birthday twin. And at 6:08, right after ISU pulled off a win, Kent got his birthday twin and we got our first ever nephew.
Tyson John, we love you!!!
Kylee's birthday twin is Grandma Doe. Kase's birthday twin is one of my besties. I actually have a couple birthday twins: my great aunt Maxine, and one of my friend's daughter. If you ask Kael who his birthday twin is, he'll tell you it's Thomas Jefferson. :)
Kent, however, needed a birthday twin. And at 6:08, right after ISU pulled off a win, Kent got his birthday twin and we got our first ever nephew.
Tyson John, we love you!!!
Thankful Thursday
I'm thankful the sight of this roasted hog didn't turn Kylee into a vegetarian. I had no doubt Kael could stomach it, but I was a little worried about Kylee.
I'm thankful that I'm writing this at 10:00 at night and even though I made (and ate) a perfectly healthful dinner tonight, as I write this I'm snacking on some taco dip and don't feel even a teeny bit guilty. "You do know that's how Sumo wrestlers gain their weight, right? They eat a ton of junk then go to sleep?" Kent reminds me. 'Cause all wives love to be compared to Sumo wrestlers.
I'm thankful for people who responded to my desperation post the other day of how to get Kase to sleep better. Between trying some of the tricks that people suggested and swapping some formula into his diet, we've had some much better nights around here.
I'm thankful that Kael won a race the other day in PE. Any mom who says she isn't happy that her kid got first at something is lying. :) He doesn't have to be first all the time (he is, in fact, thrilled when one of his best buddies wins a race at football practice), but he got SUCH an ego boost the other day when the kids were running the half mile and he was done first!!
I'm really thankful that my old-man husband is getting some sleep (at least someone is around here!) Evidently you turn 30 and start going to bed at 8:45. ;) That really happened.
Happy Thursday!
I'm thankful that I'm writing this at 10:00 at night and even though I made (and ate) a perfectly healthful dinner tonight, as I write this I'm snacking on some taco dip and don't feel even a teeny bit guilty. "You do know that's how Sumo wrestlers gain their weight, right? They eat a ton of junk then go to sleep?" Kent reminds me. 'Cause all wives love to be compared to Sumo wrestlers.
I'm thankful for people who responded to my desperation post the other day of how to get Kase to sleep better. Between trying some of the tricks that people suggested and swapping some formula into his diet, we've had some much better nights around here.
I'm thankful that Kael won a race the other day in PE. Any mom who says she isn't happy that her kid got first at something is lying. :) He doesn't have to be first all the time (he is, in fact, thrilled when one of his best buddies wins a race at football practice), but he got SUCH an ego boost the other day when the kids were running the half mile and he was done first!!
I'm really thankful that my old-man husband is getting some sleep (at least someone is around here!) Evidently you turn 30 and start going to bed at 8:45. ;) That really happened.
Happy Thursday!
It's beginning to feel an awful lot like fall around here. Not the weather, which is still scorching- in the 90s. But football season is well underway! I just recently figured out an easier way to get photos from my phone to the blog so here's a few fall-ish pictures I found...
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You turn your baby's burp rag into a 'do rag too, right? |
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V-I-K-I-N-G-S!! |
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Watching a little Sunday afternoon football. |
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Riding on Grandpa's tractor is a rite of passage for all the grandkids. Every single one of them LOVES it. Kase is no exception. |
You can't tell in the picture, but Kylee is holding a football. We've been spending a lot of evenings outside tossing the football around until dusk. These are the good times, no doubt. |
Weekend Wrap- Up
Even though Kase didn't sleep, our weekend wasn't a total bust. Far from it, actually. First, a couple of cute baby pictures.
Since he'd been in DC earlier in the week, Kent had Friday off which was so wonderful. It was really nice to spend a whole day with him. Kent is so good about bringing things back for us when he's gone and I absolutely LOVE the Future President bib he brought Kase. Hilarious.
Friday happened to be Kylee's Star Student day at preschool, so Kent was able to join her and watch her talk in front of her class, and he even got to read a book to the class. She also was diggin' the pink bear Kent brought her from DC and she got to show it to her class as part of her presentation.
While Kent was gone, I threw together some last minute plans for an impromptu party to celebrate his 30th. It wasn't a surprise, so I was super thankful to have him around Friday to help me get some things set up. Kase "helped" Kent in the garage.
I couldn't decide whether the Beer Cake I saw on Pinterest was cute and fun or borderline redneck. Just to be sure, I classed it up with a cute saying and Hawkeye colors. I think Kent appreciated my efforts. :)
30 doesn't really suck that badly (From what I hear, that is. I wouldn't know, because I'm not 30 yet. Tee hee :) but I wanted an excuse to buy some Tootsie Pops- Kent and the kids LOVE them.
Kael and Kylee helped with party prep.
Kinda sad when you have to decorate for your own party. But Kent makes things fun. And he doesn't look a day over 29, if you ask me!
I completely failed at taking pictures for the rest of the weekend. No real pictures of the actual party, or of Kent's actual birthday, or of the party his family threw him. Below is the gift the kids and I gave him- I really wish I would have gotten a picture of it from the front- it was a basket of 30 of Kent's favorite things. Just random stuff (favorite snacks, favorite gum, a few craft beers, some Diet Pepsi, lottery tickets, a DQ gift card...stuff like that), but the kids and I had a blast putting it together.
Kent's mom planned a fantastic surprise party for Kent during the Iowa/Iowa State game. It was a devastating loss and an ugly game, so thank goodness the party, the food, the company were all awesome! I so wish I would have gotten some pictures- the house looked great all decorated. Plus, she gave him two tickets to an Iowa game later in the season so Kent was excited about that. Hopefully the Hawks have their act together by then so we can watch them win!
Sunday was Kael's football debut. I was psyched that he was going to get to be quarterback but kind of nervous. I wondered if he really knew the plays- so I was quizzing him pregame. He shrugged me off like it was nothing, "Mom, on one play I fake to Jack then I throw it the other way and we'll score." And later, when we got to the game, he did just that. Not only did he throw a TD pass, he'll also tell you that he "got two flags from the other team".
Kael is number 10.
Chalk up another fun, busy weekend in the books. Ain't life grand?
So innocent. |
Since he'd been in DC earlier in the week, Kent had Friday off which was so wonderful. It was really nice to spend a whole day with him. Kent is so good about bringing things back for us when he's gone and I absolutely LOVE the Future President bib he brought Kase. Hilarious.
Friday happened to be Kylee's Star Student day at preschool, so Kent was able to join her and watch her talk in front of her class, and he even got to read a book to the class. She also was diggin' the pink bear Kent brought her from DC and she got to show it to her class as part of her presentation.
I couldn't decide whether the Beer Cake I saw on Pinterest was cute and fun or borderline redneck. Just to be sure, I classed it up with a cute saying and Hawkeye colors. I think Kent appreciated my efforts. :)
30 doesn't really suck that badly (From what I hear, that is. I wouldn't know, because I'm not 30 yet. Tee hee :) but I wanted an excuse to buy some Tootsie Pops- Kent and the kids LOVE them.
Kael and Kylee helped with party prep.
Kinda sad when you have to decorate for your own party. But Kent makes things fun. And he doesn't look a day over 29, if you ask me!
I completely failed at taking pictures for the rest of the weekend. No real pictures of the actual party, or of Kent's actual birthday, or of the party his family threw him. Below is the gift the kids and I gave him- I really wish I would have gotten a picture of it from the front- it was a basket of 30 of Kent's favorite things. Just random stuff (favorite snacks, favorite gum, a few craft beers, some Diet Pepsi, lottery tickets, a DQ gift card...stuff like that), but the kids and I had a blast putting it together.
Kent's mom planned a fantastic surprise party for Kent during the Iowa/Iowa State game. It was a devastating loss and an ugly game, so thank goodness the party, the food, the company were all awesome! I so wish I would have gotten some pictures- the house looked great all decorated. Plus, she gave him two tickets to an Iowa game later in the season so Kent was excited about that. Hopefully the Hawks have their act together by then so we can watch them win!
Sunday was Kael's football debut. I was psyched that he was going to get to be quarterback but kind of nervous. I wondered if he really knew the plays- so I was quizzing him pregame. He shrugged me off like it was nothing, "Mom, on one play I fake to Jack then I throw it the other way and we'll score." And later, when we got to the game, he did just that. Not only did he throw a TD pass, he'll also tell you that he "got two flags from the other team".
Kael is number 10.
Chalk up another fun, busy weekend in the books. Ain't life grand?
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