Kent and Kael after a pretty intense dance session.

Kael's sharing some ice cream with me- what a sweetie!

Since it was so nice out on Saturday, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to take the kids sledding! They had so much fun- Kael went down the hill quite a few times, then we pulled both of them around on the ice. We were out for quite awhile until Kael finally said, "Mom my hands are cold! I need hot chocolate!" Kylee just loved being pulled in the sled and anytime we stopped she just looked up at us, smiled and said, "Again!". Kael and Kylee are really starting to have fun playing together. Kylee loves to do whatever Kael is doing and he tolerates that pretty well.
My little pink marshmallow, Kylee! And yes, those are Disney princess boots.
Even though the groundhog saw his shadow today, we are anxiously awaiting spring! Every day we drive by the pool and Kael says, "Mom I can't wait until it's warm out so we can..." and Kylee immediately chimes in, "Swimmin'!!! Swimmin'!!!"