
Weekend Wrap-Up

 Our biggest news around here is that Kase had nasal surgery on Thursday.  I know he was a little anxious about it but he was such a trooper and got along great! I'm so happy to report that his recovery was smooth and he can already breathe better out of his nose.  He's so happy about that! 

Kylee and Sean had a great trip to Florida. 

Friday night Kase had a birthday party to go to so Kent and I went out for dinner.  Saturday we had kind of a lazy day around the house- watched some movies with Kase and he played with a friend for a little while.  Later we had dinner at my parents'- it was so nice to catch up with them! And Kase had a blast riding his dirt bike around the backyard.  Then we got home and later in the evening Kylee and Sean got home! Kase was so excited to see them and was waiting in the driveway for them.  They were excited to give him some shells they found and we enjoyed hearing about their trip.  Sounds like they had a great time but it's nice to have them home!

Sunday we had a lazy morning and watched church online.  Kylee spent most of the day unpacking and I did laundry and helped her clean all her shells.  Later she had an FCA meeting and Kase played with a big group of friends all day! They were in the garage hitting baseballs, playing basketball in the driveway, biking to Casey's, watching movies, sitting in the hot tub- just the perfect day before having to head back to school tomorrow!


Thankful Thursday

 I'm thankful Kylee and Sean are having such a nice time in Florida!

I'm thankful Kase has had friends around to play with all week. It honestly feels like summer!

Happy Thursday!


Weekend Wrap-Up

 We had the loveliest trip to Cabo last week.  Kent especially has been looking forward to this getaway all winter long.

The view right away did not disappoint.

We got in swimsuits right away and hit the pool before the Welcome Dinner!

I thought this mural (and this girl!) was so pretty in the lobby area.

You just can't beat a swim up bar- smoothies on repeat alllll week for my kids!

We had fun exploring the resort right away.  What an amazing view of the ocean (and whales later in the week!!!!)

Cute little beach bar with swings. 

Water was a little chilly but my kids didn't mind at all!

Aww.  Love seeing them all cute for the beach dinner.  

Kylee had fun getting to know one of our friend from the region's baby!

That sunset though.  

Dinner on the beach was super fun and these two especially appreciated the live music!

Of course we had been there all of an hour before Kase made a new bestie and they decided to get in on the kids' face painting activity.  Hilarious.

After dinner we found this pretty spot by the fire overlooking the ocean!

This guy who earned such an amazing trip for us is just taking it all in! We had the business meeting later that morning and I was so proud of him for making the board! Not surprised at all- he works so hard.

Kase joined the sunrise watch too.  

Kylee and Kael hit the gym while Kase swam with his friends. 

Then the rest of us joined him.  

My beach babe just loves being out in the sun!

Lunch by the pool was great.

Kylee and I got roped into a margarita making class.  "She's not even 18!" I told them.  They didn't care and she didn't drink one anyways but we had fun learning a little history about the drink and chatting with some other fun Edward Jones families. A funny memory for sure.

I always have fun getting dolled up for dinner with Kylee.  And our boys appease us by not complaining when we are taking a long time to get ready and when we take one million pictures.

But come on, right?! So worth it.

Kael has the best sense of humor- just love that kid.  He's also always the best sport holding Kylee's phone and such while she strikes the perfect pose.

My handsome boys.

Kael looking jacked in this picture! And so funny, once again- this picture is taken right outside of the spa area so he's being very zen.

Kase is pretty sun-kissed already after just one day!

The next day we did a catamaran snorkel tour! We've done these a couple times and they are always so fun.  This time we even got to see whales up really close!

Los Arcos is the famous photo opp here in Cabo so it was a little busy there but we got to see it! Super cool! 

My love.

Love making memories with my people.

I always love Theme Dinner night. And this one turned out to be one of our favorites! It was around the pool area and they had beautiful lights, live music and dancers and some fun games for the kids.  The food was amazing too!

But first, a quick photo shoot!

Kent found this cute spot for a sunset photo but it was up on a ledge.  Kylee had her nails done and was in a tight strapless dress also wearing heels so I wasn't sure if she would hop up there very easily but she made it! Lost a nail in the process but was a total trooper about it. 

Look how fun and festive!

I kept trying to get a picture of this squad of boys- they were hilarious and awesome.  Kase was the youngest of the bunch but they were super cool about having him hang out with them all week.

They even played some of the kiddie games and all won tiaras.  Hilarious.

And then joined the dancers!

Meanwhile Kylee and Kael just took it all in. 

The next morning while Kase swam with friends, the rest of us went on a long beach walk.  Kael and Kylee had fun bartering for some sunglasses on the beach ("Wait, these aren't really Prada, are they?!" ahhh so many good life lessons...) 

Matching bros.

Dinner at a fun spot by the pool this night. Kase and his buddies hot tubbed after dinner every single night.

Another day, another beach walk, another Kylee photo shoot.

Then, jet skis!

And finally a picture of a couple of the boys.

And of course we had to check out the ice cream shop at our resort.

Kylee looked so pretty in this white dress for dinner!

The boys finally just started taking selfies anytime Kylee and I were gone taking pictures- ha!

Finally one of all of us!

My boys.

There was a sombrero at each table this night at dinner so the kids had fun wearing it for a bit.  Kase even wore it as he walked through the buffet line- ha!

Morning view. 

Kylee had heard that Kent and I saw tons of whales while having our morning coffee so she got up to join us one day.

What a beautiful spot, right?

Then the four of them went on an ATV tour.  Family of five problems/(blessings?)- but only four people fit so we could have rented another one person one but I volunteered to stay back and start getting things packed up and organized.  They had a blast but did come back hot and dirty and dusty so I think I made the right choice!

Kael got to drive across this canyon bridge! So cool.  Everyone took turns driving and they even let Kase drive for a little while!

Then Kase and his friends went tubing behind a jet ski.  We offered to let Kael and Kylee go too but they wanted to soak up their last day at the pool. Seriously can't say enough about this group of boys.  Such great kids! And how tan is Kase? Ha.  Kylee was so jealous!

Final night dinner and Kylee is looking pretty tan herself!

I would like it stated that I always offer to take pictures of Kael too but he is far less interested that Kylee and even Kase.  So that's why you keep seeing so many of those two! Kael was there too just usually hanging out with Kent talking about funny reels while I took pictures.

Love my family so much.

Kylee and I got stopped multiple times on our way to dinner with people telling us how good we looked.  I'll call that a win! How fun having a daughter who wants you to get dressed up with her and she even helped do my hair one of the nights.  

And this guy.  The one who makes it all possible! So thankful for him and his leadership of our family. Love you so much, Kent!

We enjoyed one last dinner on the beach where once again the food and music were both wonderful and the company was even better. 

The next morning we had breakfast then had one final look at our paradise before heading home! 

Super thankful for kids who travel well, a husband who always has all the chargers for all the things and all the movies downloaded to keep Kase entertained.  He is holder of passports, checker-in guy for all the flights, "let's take a walk and explore the airport instead of sitting down starting at our phones" encourager and just always the fun one.  Unless it's past 9 PM- ha! Kidding, kind of!

I'm also thankful for everyone who kept things going at home- Sean was literally sitting on our front step waiting for us (okay I guess mostly he was waiting for Kylee) when we pulled in at midnight- so sweet! He kept an eye on the house for us while we were gone and also a shoutout to Grandma Cindy who delivered brownies to the house in my absence for Sean! 

It's so good to go and so good to get home. We had a super quick turnaround this trip with Kael having to leave to go back to Pella a short seven hours after we arrived home and Kylee taking off for another trip earlier today with her boyfriend. It was a whirlwind of unpacking and laundry and repacking but we got everyone where they needed to be and Kase spent the day playing with friends .  Kent got home and we enjoyed a couple long walks in the beautiful weather! Hope you all are having a wonderful spring break too!