
On busting mid-season boredom

About a week ago, when we were all sick-ish, I could feel myself begin to daydream about cool fall days, the comfort of a back-to-school routine, football games, hooded sweatshirts, trips to the pumpkin patch, soups in the crock pot, baking apple pies.... and I had to force myself to stop.

"Stop wishing time away, Laura! Enjoy the moment! Love summer!" 

But the truth is that this summer has been kind of a bear.  When we weren't sick, the weather was crummy.  And when the weather was nice, we were sick.  But still...it's summer.  So...

I'm here to say that I refuse to be a victim of mid-summer boredom.  A friend confided to me the other day, "Isn't summer just too long? Even for the kids? Don't you think summer would be just fine if it were only 8 weeks long? We should seriously look into year-round school." And while I'm not totally sure I'm ready to commit to year-round school, I will admit that summer has been almost long enough for me.

In the spirit of not wishing time away, I have HIGH hopes for the last few weeks of summer.

This last weekend was all sorts of awesome.  Kael's triathlon was one of the highlights of his my summer, for sure.  Then we spent all day Sunday at Adventureland (sorry I don't have pictures to share!) with the Patterson side of the family and had the best time.  I spent a lot of the day hanging with Kaser since my oldest two turned into magnets. Kael=Kevin and Kylee=Katherine.  Seriously I might as well have been chopped liver- when Kael begged to go on the Log Ride and no one else was ready to get wet yet, I offered to go with him and he just kind of shrugged, saying, "Um, I guess we can just do something else." And I'm totally cool with that.  The big kids got to sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa's and even help pick sweet corn which we thoroughly enjoyed eating and sharing with neighbors.

This week the kids are wrapping up swimming lessons and both have birthday parties to go to that they are really looking forward to.

Next weekend we're heading to St. Louis for a quick few days- hoping to hit a few "must sees" like the Arch, Grant's Farm, the zoo and a Cardinals game.  Should be lots of fun.

The weekend after that is Kylee's birthday.  Six.  SIX?!?!? I can't even.  More about that in a future post.  We're really looking forward to celebrating our middle babe's special day.

Then there's the obligatory (because I say so) trip to the State Fair, back to school shopping and hopefully warmer weather for a few last, lazy pool days.

Sounds fun, right? How's your end of summer looking?



What beautiful weather we woke up to this morning.  Kael was up early and appeared to be a perfect mix of excited and anxious for his triathlon.  We both knew it was going to be a great day.

What an event! Over 250 kids participated in the triathlon this morning so the sports complex was abuzz with participants and spectators.  Kael had quite a crowd there cheering him on- how amazing to see all the support he has.  Thanks to everyone who came out!

Once we checked in and got everything set up, there was a fair amount of time to kill.  Luckily Kael was placed next to a kid he knew from school, and they had fun hanging out while they waited.  It was chilly, but Kael didn't seem to mind.  I watched him line up, my nerves kicking in.  He hadn't really practiced the swim portion of it, and with the cool temps...I was just hoping he got through the swimming because I knew he felt confident in the biking and running.

I waited anxiously, then I saw Kael from afar, getting out of the water.  He started jogging down the path towards where I was standing and as soon as I had clear view of him, I could see the HUGEST smile on his face.  He looked like he was having the time of his life.  Is there any greater joy as a parent than getting to see that extreme happiness on your kids face?

We made it through the transition (the trickiest part of the whole thing, in my opinion) and off he took on his bike.  I know he had several cheerleaders along that route to help keep him speeding along.  Back for the final transition and then he started running- his strongest leg for sure.  I'm all but running beside him, cheering him on when he realizes that a kid in front of him had stopped for a water break.  Kael turns around to go back to the water stop for a quick drink.  Ahhh!! At that point I got all Triathlon Mom on him and said, "No!!! You're not thirsty! Goooooo!!! Keep running!!!!!!"  And man, did he ever.  He finished that last eighth of a mile faster than I have ever seen him run and he burst through that balloon finish a total champion, in my book.  Kael ran his heart out you guys.

Bagels, bananas, water, a massage, family, friends and hugs were all waiting for him when he finished.  I couldn't stop squeezing him.  He'd been done for approximately five minutes when he asked, "Mom, can we go home now? I'm ready for the birthday party."  Kael had just finished a triathlon and was more concerned about missing his buddy's birthday party than with how he had placed.  I just love that about him.

We headed home and soon a fellow triathlete/training buddy/neighbor/one of my besties kids stopped by to congratulate Kael.  "I'm totally going to do it again next summer, are you Kael? You should.  You're really good. " she said, as my heart melted.  Kael replied with a cool, "Maybe.  Thanks Megan. You were really good too."

I don't think Kael even realized how well he had done.  I asked him later why he only said "maybe" about doing it again next year.  He admitted, "Mom, it made me really tired."  Truth.

I don't think the official results are in yet and honestly I don't even know if I'll check.  The unofficial results showed that Kael was at least in the top ten (and was thisclose to cracking the top five) for his group and for a kid who has been sick all week, for a kid who has never really taken swimming lessons to learn the appropriate strokes, for a kid who gets easily overwhelmed in crowded social situations, and for a kid who didn't have the advantages of a "racing" bike, BodyGlide, and any/all other triathlon things that I'm clueless about....he KILLED it.  He gave it his all and it showed.

We are so proud of you Kael!!!


Thankful Thursday

I'm always thankful for well-child visits.  Way more fun than being at the doctor with a sick baby. Unless, of course, you're at the doctor for a well-child visit and your child is sick.  In which case, that's just good planning as far as I'm concerned.  Killing two birds with one stone. Anyhow, Kase recently had his fifteen month visit and here are how things shake out.

95% height (33 inches)
80% weight (25 lbs 10oz)

I was thankful that his ears looked good although we are probably one ear infection away from doing tubes.

I'm thankful that the virus he has doesn't require any medication but still.  A virus, during summer? Come on! Unfortunately the rest of us have had it too.  Kael even threw up Sunday night but we all seem to be on the mend now.  I cannot remember a summer that I have spent so much time with sick kids.  Even my doctor is starting to crack jokes about how often she's seen us.

I'm thankful that Kael has been open to practicing his triathlon route.  It's coming up on Saturday and there's going to be a lot of people there.  Like nearly 300 kids in the race.  It's going to be overwhelming and all I hope for is that Kael does his best and he can walk away at the end of it feeling like he gave it his all.  That's really what it's all about, right?

I'm thankful that Kase is back up to his old tricks of waking up at 5:00.  Not.

I'm thankful for the lovely weather we've been having.  It *almost* makes up for the crazy spring rains we had earlier and the unbearable heat we've had lately.

I'm thankful for an unexpected visit from Cindy yesterday! She brought me lunch, stayed with the boys so Kylee and I could hit up the library movie (how cute is Wreck It Ralph btw? I know I'm a little late to the party but seriously a sweet movie). She also took Kylee grocery shopping with her and let her pick out a ton of fun snacks.  Total mood lifter.  The visit from Cindy, not the snacks. ;)

I'm thankful Kent's co-worker pretended not to mind the 29 second Vox that I (my back pocket, actually) sent him.

I'm thankful that Kase didn't even know that I blamed the aforementioned Vox on him.  How long until the "kid got ahold of my phone" excuse doesn't work anymore?

Happy Thursday!


Weekend Wrap-Up

Another good one in the books, guys.

Friday night was pretty low key then Saturday after Kael's triathlon training we headed for Clear Lake! We are so lucky to have some great friends with a lovely lake home that were generous enough to share with our family this weekend.  The kids had a fantastic time, and who can blame them? There was plenty of space for them to run around, a playground, a beach, a floating dock to jump off, time for boating, tubing, lots of their favorite (junk) foods and plenty of time to veg out.  I had no doubt they would have a good time but I am also happy to report that they were really well behaved.  Sometimes too much fun plus too much junk food plus too little sleep equals overly tired, prone-to-crabbiness children but they were great.  And we adults had a great time boating, tubing, watching Kent show off on his water skis and just catching up.  There's something about spending a weekend by the lake that's just good for the soul.  

I cannot thank the Takekawas and VanWyks enough for hosting us and the Bartos for joining us! This is our second annual trip together and I'm seriously considering making t-shirts for the event next year. :) The only regret I have was that I didn't take more any pictures! I do have a great picture in my head of three little babes in their life jackets standing next to each other on the beach.  Seriously would have made the cah-utest photo.  Must remember to take more photos next year. 

When we got home on Sunday, the kids were dying to meet their newest cousin, so off we headed to Rob and Tam's new place.  They were, of course, completely smitten with Huston.  And we all love the fact that they now live approximately two minutes from our house.  Whee!

Come on, Kent.  Stop with the photo bombing!

Huston is absolutely adorable.  And how old does Kael look?! 
The weekends are coming and going way too quickly, are they not?

Hoping you had a great one too!


Thankful Thursday

I am thankful Kael is feeling better.

I am thankful that when we went to the doc for a recheck of Kael's ears, we discovered that now Kase also has ear infection.  I am not thankful he has infection but thankful we were able to catch it early. Ironically, Kase had slept through the night the three nights in a row (unheard of!) before we found out he had ear infection. Hmm.

I am thankful for a driveway full of neighbors as we all watched the Summerfest fireworks together.

I am thankful for both times this week that I saved Kase from serious injury. The first time he tried to jump down our stairs (from the very top) and I made a diving catch.  I have rug burns on my knees to prove it. I can't even remember what the second thing was but that one keeps me on my toes!

I am thankful that I finally convinced Kent to go with me to the Cardboard Boat Regatta this year. He had as much fun as the kids did! Watch for us next year. Hoping to convince some friends to join us and build a winner! 

I am actually thankful for the entire Summerfest weekend. We have our little traditions that I love. Thursday night we do the carnival rides (kids LOVE this but I must say that $20/wristband is getting a little steep...), Friday night we do the Kiddie Parade (I seriously lack the creativity to do anything really cool for the parade but if we are being totally honest, Kylee is just in it for the Bomb Pop at the end anyways), Saturday we go to the parade (where my mom saves the.best.spots year after year and tons of family and friends join us then we all go to Godfather's afterwards) and we have added the Boat Regatta to our list of Summerfest Musts (partially just because I like to say regatta) and later we hit the Leisure Garden, then Sunday we take the kids up to the band late in the afternoon when almost no one else is there and they can rock out playing air guitars and whatnot. Then the grand finale of watching fireworks in our driveway. Love it. Love the bag, love the shoes, love everything! (Ten points to anyone besides my sisters who can name the movie that quote came from).

I am thankful for good books to read. And don't even get me started on when I get a magazine in the mail. Best.day.ever.

I'm thankful school starts soon.  Are those the saddest words you've ever heard? It's not at all that I am tired of spending time with the kids...it's just that Kael so thrives on the routine that school provides and Kylee is so excited and ready for kindergarten.  Only a couple of weeks until we find out who their teachers are!

I'm thankful that my sister and her little family are moving here soon.  We are down to days, folks!!!

I'm thankful that I caught and busted the little hooligans that have been tramping through our landscaping.  Seriously.  Teenagers these days.


Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful for the arrival my nephew Huston Alan Simms.  He's here, he's healthy and he's oh-so-handsome. Don't you agree? Nice work, Rob and Tam!!! Can't wait for you guys to move!

I realize my posts lately have been a bit photo-heavy.  I'll be back to my wordy self soon. :) That said, I'm thankful for a couple random photos I found on the desktop that I don't think I've posted yet.  You're welcome. :)

I'm seriously thankful that Kael's ears are starting to feel better. He has been in rough shape the last few days due to swimmer's ear.  Poor guy!

I'm thankful that Kent doesn't seem to mind my all-or-nothing attitude towards cleaning (and life in general, I guess).  I haven't really cleaned our shower (besides the occasional wipe down) since we moved in a year ago.  So today I Lysol-ed  it from top to bottom with a Q-tip.  I know. Then, for good measure, I Magic Erased the entire base of the shower.  Because I'm a crazy person.

Happy Thursday!



For those who don't follow me on Instagram, here are a few more photos from our week, in no particular order. :) A few from Adventureland, the zoo, Sheffield, and a pool party in Collins!

The kids watched a snake shed it's skin then they both touched the snake and its skin! Eeek!

Kylee's hitching a ride from Kent.

Happy Fourth!

What a great week it's been!